BWRT How does it work?
What is BWRT ?
Are you looking for Brain Working Recursive Therapy Reviews and asking How does BWRT work?
BWRT® is a brand new and immensely powerful style of working that can dissolve problems almost instantaneously.
Alongside the many other techniques that I am trained in I am also one of the first practitioners to be personally trained in this new method by the creator Terence Watts. It could really help you to make the changes that you are looking for. We can use this when working with you as part of your sessions and it can really help you to move forward sooner rather than later.
There is no other therapy in the world that is the same as BWRT®. Certified BWRT® Practitioners receive thorough training in this modern methodology and are completely conversant with the techniques needed to work effectively with a great number of problems and difficulties, including:
The therapy model was developed by Terence Watts, a therapist, teacher, and writer with a long history of creating innovative therapeutic intervention - before BWRT® came Warriors, Settlers & Nomads, LifeMapper®, SymbioDynamics®, M.A.G.I.C!®, and Broadband for the Brain®.
All of those are still in use by therapists around the World; BWRT®, though represents a major event in psychotherapy and is rapidly growing in popularity.
There are only a small number of people trained in BWRT currently. Do bear in mind when you are looking for help that it is one technique and that being able to offer this alongside the other methods and therapy that I am also trained in helps me to give you the best help that I can. You may find that other methods I use can help just as well. For this reason I work with everyone to achieve exactly what they want so rather than offer BWRT on its own we may find we use it alongside other methods to really help you. Everyone is different so until we start working together we won't decide exactly how we will work. This way I can offer you the best possible support.
BWRT Interview
Watch the Video below where you can see my own interview with Terence Watts below where he answers many of the questions that you may have about how does BWRT work:
This is the transcript of the above Video interview with Terence Watts who created BWRT speaking to myself..I also undertook my BWRT Training with Terence after this interview was conducted.
Mark Powlett:
For people who don’t know who you are and are maybe stumbling across this because they want to find out about BWRT and what it is tell us a little bit about your background and tell us about yourself.
Terence Watts:
Well I come from a very eclectic background. Many years ago I was a rock n roller, lead guitar in a group. The group was rubbish except for me, I was good! I was a dance teacher for thirty years, so I got used to working with people and their issues. I was a salesman as well, so I have always worked with people.
Then in 1988-89 I started Hypnotherapy and took to it. It just really gelled with me. Really since then I have just been constantly exploring ways to find quicker ways to help people feel better. That’s really my background that’s led me into where I am now.
Mark Powlett:
So, you’ve done lots of different things, and come up with new ways of doing therapy, but BWRT itself is very new and it’s kind of very different from anything else before.
Terence Watts:
Yes, the nearest thing anybody could say to BWRT is probably EMDR in that it works to release trauma very, very quickly, but this is actually faster than EMDR. I’m always experimenting to find new ideas and BWRT was born out of a moment of inspiration. I was reading New Scientist and I was reading about Benjamin Libet, who I had read about before, who had pretty much proved that we don’t have free will. That there is a gap between the brain starting to do something and us becoming aware of it. On this particular occasion it was like a sudden explosion of understanding in my mind and it was a real WOW moment. It was that day that I started doing some research and experimentation with it, and that was 2011, it was the beginning of it thereabouts. I first introduced it to the therapy world on 2012, but that was only on a preliminary sort of talk about it and I first taught it in October 2013. It has just really gone on a pace since then.
Mark Powlett:
So there are not a huge amount of practitioners, and one of the things about it is that you teach everyone yourself. It hasn’t been farmed out to anyone else. It is being taught by the person wjo created it which makes a massive difference I guess.
Terence Watts:
Yes, currently it is taught by me or my research partner Rafiq Lockhat in South Africa. He was on the first course that I ran with it and he thought I had lost my marbles because he couldn’t make it work. We had long skype conversations during which he recognised that it is just vastly vastly different from anything he had ever done. Once the penny dropped then he just became a devotee of it. He is a very skilled and eminent man, so it was great to have him as a research partner. He has a clinic in South Arica and he started using it with his patients. In fact he has dumped CBT and EMDR, EFT and Hypnosis and uses just BWRT now.
Mark Powlett:
So for people who do not realise, who perhaps have stumbled across this because they are looking for help with something..EMDR, EFT and the others are ways that you can help to have a fairly quick change in the way you feel about something, and BWRT is even quicker than those types of therapy. It seems in some ways to be perhaps also more successful.
Terence Watts:
I think it is, and it makes changes to the part of the brain. It’s the only therapy that I know of that makes changes to the part of the brain before emotional response. EMDR works at the emotional response and negates it, but this actually works at the part of the brain before the emotional response has even arisen. The great thing about it is that once you have replaced the response with whatever the client wants (it’s very client centred). Once you have replaced it, it just seems permanent. It just doesn’t go back. People are able to deal with quite traumatic situations in no time at all.
Mark Powlett:
So what kind of things can people use it for? How could this help them? What can they use it with?
Terence Watts:
Almost anything really! It is very difficult to say what it wouldn’t work with. You could use it with PTSD, habits, relationship issues. Phobias and fears are very, very easy. IN fact many people who have experienced difficulties for twenty years or so, with driving for instance, suddenly find they can just do it without even thinking about it. So, there are not many things it isn’t suitable for. If somebody had unremitting panic attacks when they didn’t know what triggered them and they could occur at any time of the day or night, then I might say well BWRT may not be the most suitable thing for that. If anybody can pinpoint the moment at which a problem or anxiety starts we can use BWRT for it. Level 2, the higher level can even work for things like alcoholism and drug abuse, which are enormously difficult. Even self harming and those sorts of things can be helped.
Mark Powlett:
As you say, it’s almost “what doesn’t it work on?” Rather than what does it work on.
Terence Watts:
Absolutely, many people have said “What do you do with it?” I am always at a bit of a loss because it is a massive list and there are very few things that it can’t do. Just occasionally you realise that analytic al therapy or regression work is better. Once in a while you may see that suggestion work could be as good, although not better. Really, you can do almost anything with BWRT. There are some things it wouldn’t be ideal for but I can’t think of anything you couldn’t use it for to be honest.
Mark Powlett:
It’s so very quick, so for people who think, well I have had this problem for years, maybe ten or twenty years, how can I get rid of it, it doesn’t take ten or twenty years.
Terence Watts:
Most of the time it can be done, fairly simple things, done in a single session. Things like spider fears you can help with in a single session. Even for more complex issues like alcoholism, we are talking perhaps four sessions and no need to continually go to meetings all the time. It also in the advanced level works in the identity of the person. So, if someone has an issue that they feel defines them. If someone feels “I am an alcoholic”, it helps them to lose that core identity and re-establish how they would prefer to be.
Mark Powlett:
Another interesting thing from my point of view is that as a practitioner who has what you may call, a lot of tools in my toolbox, this is a new tool. What I am seeing is that so many therapists who use many different techniques, like myself are now finding that with BWRT they are not using those other techniques as much. That is really interesting to me as a hypnotherapist and practitioner.
Terence Watts:
So many people say. I don’t want to do anything else. I just want to do BWRT, some very experienced therapists. There are hypnotherapist and other people who have been very sceptical about it, because it does sound too good to be true. That makes it the hardest thing to market in many ways, because if I tell the truth about it, it sounds too good to be true.
But there’s no hype, it really is that good.
Mark Powlett:
By the way, we should say that it stands for Brain Working Recursive Therapy.
Terence Watts:
Yes BWRT stands for Brain Working Recursive Therapy. The British Brainworking Research Society has now been established. This replaced the institute of Brain Working Recursive Therapy . The British Psychological Society, invited Terence to speak about the therapy to it's members.
Brain Working Recursive Therapy reviews are now showing that more and more people can feel a real change in a very short period of time.
Remember that I have many different ways to help and so with every client I always look at the best methods and techniques for whoever I am helping at the time. If you are looking for help you can contact me at [email protected]