Can ChatGPT Hypnotise a person and control their mind?
Can ChatGPT Hypnotise you?
There’s a question that I would not have imagined being asked a few years ago.
The reason I am now asking if AI could use hypnosis on you is coming after seeing a tweet by Scott Adams the Dilbert cartoonist who says
“I taught ChatGPT Hypnosis last night.
Then I had it test it on me.
You have no idea what is coming.
No Idea.”
What an ominous sounding tweet that is?! Are chat bots going to take over the world and start to control our brains. Given that all we tend to see are terrible AI pictures being created where the hands just do not look real, then my first reaction as a Clinical Hypnotherapist is that it is very unlikely.
So, who is Scott Adams? He is actually the cartoonist who created the Dilbert cartoons and is known for writing about hypnosis and in my opinion hyping things up in order to get publicity.
In fact I wrote about Donald Trump using hypnosis to wow the crowds back in 2016 and that came after I saw Scott Adams saying what a great hypnotist Donald Trump is. In fact Trump may be using some techniques that we could use and say were hypnosis, however he lacks the skills of language to really be able to do that. I writing this a couple of days after a gunman tried to assassinate Trump at a rally and however horrifying that incident is and however people think it will affect the US Election, it is unlikely that Trump will change the way that he speaks. Violence should never be a part of politics and inciting it is never a positive thing, but that is for another day! Let's face it, if Donald Trump could use ChatGPT to Hypnotise his MAGA supporters I think he may well be very interested in that as a possibility.
And so does ChatGPT have the ability to hypnotise you?
Can ChatGPT take over our mind?
I doubt it very much. You see, the truth is that to be good at hypnosis you have to do things which involve looking at the person, seeing the physiological effects, what is happening to their eyes, and body.
I don’t think your laptop and ChatGPT AI are going to be doing that any time soon.
It’s just words coming out of a screen, even if you are having them read out to you, the will not be able to pace and lead you the way a hypnotist would.
I am afraid it is just more scaremonger talk from someone who should stick to the cartoons and making headlines for saying controversial things. Oh that is what he is doing!
The trouble is that Hypnosis is always something that people love to make out as weird and al about mind control, when that just isn't the case. No one can make you do anything that you do not want to do. You are the one in control of your mind and so you can choose whether to believe the things you read about on the internet or not.
Can ChatGPT be used to write Hypnosis scripts?
Yes, this is something that people have tried before. Not all hypnotherapists would use a script because just reading something out is never going to be as successful as using your imagination and the situation with the person you are working with. However people do like to cheat and so AI has been used to write hypnosis scripts, but it isn't something that anyone with any real experience of hypnosis would ever bother to do.
I would much prefer just trying things out in the real word. Just like I did with my Dog Coco in the video you can see here...

Myths About Hypnosis...
Is hypnosis dangerous?
It’s completely safe and also a very natural state. A state of hypnosis will never cause you any physical or mental harm. Hypnosis is actually a state of mind we all drift in and out of many times every day. Those moments in the day when we block everything around us out and really focus, this could be on a book we are reading, or watching the television, or even just when we find ourselves lost in our own thoughts and daydreaming. Children are especially good at this. Have you ever looked at your child and seen them staring off into space in a world of their own !?
Hypnosis simply induces this state of mind for you and with you. There is never any danger or anything for you to worry about.
Can I get “stuck” in hypnosis?
Once again this is another untrue idea that comes from films and TV shows. Immediately after the hypnosis session you will return to full consciousness, feel wide awake and totally normal. You were just very relaxed and you can open your eyes at any time that you like, even during the hypnosis session.
It is just not possible to get stuck in hypnosis.
Of course sometimes people think that with hypnosis they don’t need to do anything, just lie back and all the changes will happen magically all by themself.
Hypnosis, in reality is just a simple tool which really does help you by gaining access to your subconscious mind and then subtly suggesting new beliefs, thoughts and patterns of thinking. The words to note here are that it helps you - it will certainly give you that helping hand, and it will help the mental side of your efforts, but you definitely must want to make that change, to be committed to the thought of changing, and then you need to take physical action and pursue your goals alongside. If you really want something, whether to end a bad habit, fear or phobia, lose weight and so many other things, then hypnosis can really help you.
I think we need to take any ideas that AI will learn to hypnotize us with a very large pinch of salt.