Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Do they use Hypnotic techniques in their speeches?

The Use of Hypnotic and NLP Techniques in the Speeches of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
As we appproach the debate of Trump and Harris let's ask whether they have different ways of using techniques to speak and how that will affect the debate performance.
In the realm of political communication, speeches are powerful tools that shape public perception, influence opinions, and rally support. Politicians often employ various rhetorical strategies to maximize the impact of their messages, including techniques rooted in hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). As we approach the US Election of 2024 and now that Joe Biden has stepped down, let's look at the contrast between how Trump and Harris communicate.
Although they come from different political backgrounds and possess distinct communication styles, both have utilized some of the hypnotic and NLP these techniques to resonate with their audiences.
Donald Trump: Commanding Attention Through Hypnotic Language
Donald Trump’s speaking style is characterized by simplicity, repetition, and a direct, commanding presence. Some may say that these elements are not just coincidental; they are part of a strategic approach that aligns closely with certain hypnotic and NLP principles. Others that in fact he simply only has a couple of hits that he likes to repeat. The same old stories told in the same way. Rather than clever he is getting old and only able to play to his base of MAGA fans.
Repetition: Trump often repeats key phrases or slogans, such as "Make America Great Again" or "Fake News." Repetition is a well-known hypnotic technique that reinforces a message in the listener's mind, making it more memorable and persuasive. The repeated phrase creates a rhythm that can lull the audience into a state of heightened suggestibility, where the message takes root.
Example: During his 2016 campaign, Trump frequently repeated the phrase, "We're going to build a wall." The consistency of this message, paired with the simplicity of the language, made the idea stick with his audience, regardless of the feasibility of the promise. Of course, that Wall wasn't built and Mexico didn't pay for it, so that message is not quite so effective knowing it is a lie.
Simple, Vivid Language: Trump’s language tends to be straightforward, with a preference for vivid, often emotionally charged words. This aligns with NLP techniques that suggest using sensory-based language to create mental images in the listener's mind. By doing so, Trump activates the imagination of his audience, making his message more engaging and persuasive.
Example: When Trump speaks about "draining the swamp," he uses a metaphor that conjures a clear, visceral image of corruption being removed. This image resonates emotionally with his audience, further solidifying their support. This is true, but he is also limited in his vocabulary, often mixing up words and metaphors in a way that someone who actually trained and thought about speaking would not do. In reality Trump is a good speaker, but his constand lies and need to make everything about hiself is wearing thin, even with Republican fans.
Kamala Harris: Building Rapport and Influencing Through Storytelling
Kamala Harris, in contrast, employs a more nuanced, empathetic communication style, often drawing on personal stories and shared values. Her use of language reflects NLP techniques focused on building rapport, appealing to emotions, and subtly guiding the audience toward her perspective.
Storytelling: Harris frequently uses storytelling as a tool to connect with her audience on an emotional level. This technique is grounded in NLP principles, which suggest that stories can bypass the critical mind and speak directly to the subconscious, where beliefs and values are formed.
Example: In her 2020 Vice Presidential acceptance speech, Harris spoke about her mother’s journey as an immigrant and how it shaped her values. This narrative not only humanized her but also resonated with many voters who share similar stories, creating a bond that transcends policy differences.
Embedded Commands: Harris often uses subtle embedded commands in her speeches. These are phrases embedded within a sentence that, when spoken with emphasis or a slight change in tone, serve as subconscious suggestions.
Example: In her speeches, Harris might say something like, "When we stand together, we can make real change." The embedded command "stand together" serves as a call to action, subtly encouraging unity among her listeners.
Presuppositions: Harris uses presuppositions to shape her audience’s thinking. A presupposition is an implicit assumption within a statement that the audience accepts without question. This technique aligns with NLP strategies that subtly guide the listener’s thoughts.
Example: Harris might say, "As we continue to fight for justice, we know that our efforts will bring progress." This statement presupposes that justice is still being fought for and that progress is inevitable, subtly reinforcing her message of continuous action and hope.
Comparing Their Approaches
While both Trump and Harris utilize hypnotic and NLP techniques, their approaches reflect their distinct political personas and objectives.
Trump’s Approach: His style is more direct, using repetition and commanding language to create a sense of authority and inevitability. His use of vivid imagery and straightforward language appeals to a broad base, making complex issues seem simple and easily understandable. Trump's speeches are designed to energize and mobilize his audience through clear, powerful, and often polarizing messages. What has happened is that over the years his audience have shrunk and he has not adjusted his speeches at all.
In summary, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris both employ hypnotic and NLP techniques in their speeches, but they do so in ways that reflect their unique political styles. Trump’s approach is something that he doesn't really think about and so in the long term he has not grown as a speaker, but diminished. Whilst he may have seemed bold and assertive, using repetition and simple language to dominate the conversation, he now comes across as jaded and bitter and focussed only on himself. Harris’s approach is more nuanced, relying on storytelling and emotional connection to guide her audience. Both strategies are effective in their own right, tailored to their individual strengths and the audiences they seek to influence. We wait and see whether the American people can see what lies ahead with either candidate when voting comes in November.