The day that Brian Blessed rang me on my birthday with a brilliant birthday surprise

A few years back I was presenting my BBC Radio show on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire, now known as BBC CWR and it was my birthday.
Even though it was a "Special day" I was making the sacrifice of working hard! Things happened that I wasn't expecting and the absolute best one of these was when I took a call and didn't know who it was, and it was the legendary actor Brian Blessed ringing to wish me a happy birthday.
Being Brian Blessed of course and famous for that loud booming voice it was inevitable that he would do some of his famous shouting and so the sound of Brian screaming Gordon's Alive! made me laugh so much I had to turn down my fader.
There are so many great things that happen when you get to present a radio show and this happening has to rank right up there at the top. What a birthday treat getting a phone call from Brian Blessed was. Flash Gordon would not be happier!
You can listen yourself in the Youtube video below!