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Category: Fitness and health

  1. Perception, are you seeing what others see?

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    I often speak to my clients about how we all perceive the world in our own ways. There is a phrase that states "The Map is not the territory". What is seeks to express is that we all see things in our own maps and so even though you may be right next to someone your view of the world will be completely different.

    When I try to express this to people I do like to see if I can come up with examples because they just make things easier to see and explain.

    Something happened to me that was such a good example I have already started using it and now I really want to share it...

    It was a wonderful sunny Sunday afternoon and I was out for a bike ride with my 11 year old. We normally cycle along the cycle paths to the local lake where we can enjoy an ice cream. I see the ice cream as a treat and also a bribe to get a boy away from games consoles! As we cycled along the path by the river we passed a man out with his partner on their bikes. I would guess that he was probably in his late twenties and she was the same. She was on a bike fairly similar to the ones that we all see, basket on the front and the lower bit in the middle that is easier to swing your leg over.

    The young man however was on a bike that could only be described as a freewheeling version of a Harley Davidson. It had huge horn shaped handlebars and his arms were way up in the air as he held on to them. It reminded me of the old Rayleigh Chopper, I myself had a Chipper..but that's another story!

    As we passed him and both our heads turned to look, the first thought through my mind was "What does he look like? He is far too old to be riding a bike like that. He looks ridiculous"

    At exactly the same time as these thoughts were flitting through my head my son exclaimed...

    "That is the coolest bike I have ever seen!"

    It stopped me in my tracks. Well, my mind if not the bike. I realised that I was doing exactly what I tell clients not to do. I was judging and making my own version of the map the real thing when of course it wasn't at all. In fact, perhaps my son was correct and it was the coolest bike around!

    I smiled as we cycled on and as we bought our ice creams I knew that I had been taught another lesson in open minded thinking by an eleven year old.

    Be open to understanding that the way you see things is not the same way that everyone else sees them.

    When you say "I know what they will do" or "I know what they are thinking" perhaps you don't.

    In fact your way may not be correct! There may be a better way to see the things that happen in your life.

  2. Actress Olivia Munn uses hypnotherapy to help her exercise

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    Hypnotherapy helps actress motiviate herself to exercise

    Olivia Munn the 'Magic Mike' actress has been speaking about the hypnotherapy session that she had. She has explained that she only started working out a year ago when she went to a hypnotherapist who told her to hit the gym every morning at 6am - and she has been doing it ever since.

    ''I used to never exercise because I just hated the idea of all of it. But I saw this hypnotist (I have an OCD called Trichotillomania) and in one session he threw something in about working out and by the next week I was up every morning at 6am. I've been working out consistently ever since, and it's been almost a year now.''

    Olivia, 34, also revealed she invented her own diet which involved only eating meals where she could see every single ingredient.

    She said: ''In 2009, I lost 16 pounds in two months because I came up with my own diet which was if I can't see it I can't eat it. If I go to a restaurant and say I'll have the soup, I can't see every single ingredient they put in - how much salt? How much sugar?

    ''I can't see it unless I make it myself at home, so that takes away breads and other hidden ingredients.''

    While the brunette bombshell admits she sometimes feels insecure about her Chinese heritage, she thinks it's important to change the all-American standard of beauty.

    She explained: ''When I was younger, what I saw as the face of beauty was very standard all-American white blonde hair blue eyes.

    ''So any time I feel uncomfortable, or I wish something was different, I just have to wash it away because I have to be a role model for my niece, and if I have daughters be role models for them and be comfortable with myself.''

    It's always good to see another celebrity talking about all the positive aspects of their life and how they have been able to overcome a problem or issue that has been holding them back. As part of my weight loss programme i always help to motiviate people to take exercise because as well as helping you to get fitter and burn calories it also has ther benefits. Getting out in the fresh air for exercise can really help to clear your mind as well. You often find that if you are taking part in something like running that your mind can just swich off when you are up to speed. All of the cares and worries of the day can simply melt away.

    You can listen to my free mp3 to help relax yourself by clicking here, and if you would like to find out about my weight loss programme I can work vi skype across the world as well as in my local area, just click here.