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Category: Fitness and health

  1. The Tyre Exercise...relaxation and calming session

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    It is wonderful to take a few minutes for yourself to stop and be relaxed. Once you practice doing this you can find that it helps you the rest of the time when you don't have time to stop and relax!

    So this short relaxation exercise is all about imagining a tyre that we can expand and contract with our breathing and move up and down the body.

    Find somewhere comfortable where you won't be disturbed and give yourself a few minutes to concentrate on your breathing.
    There are many other MP3 recordings and also help and advice available on this website so do feel free to take a look.

    Just click on the play button to listen...and enjoy taking some time for yourself


    If you would like to listen to more relaxation and hypnosis mp3s just click on the shop link above.

  2. How to Stop a Panic Attack in One Step

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    I have recently posted this new video to Youtube to help explain a little about how panic attacks work and how to Stop a Panic Attack.

    I see many people who suffer from anxiety and stress and this can manifest itself in panic attacks which can really take over your life.

    In the video I wanted to explain that once you start to face up and embrace the panic attack you begin to take away its power and by doing this you can start to learn and understand that you can end them forever. There is really no need to live with panic attacks. Once you start to understand why you have them you can already begin to stop the power that they have.

    There is much more information about panic attacks on this special page HERE: How to Stop a Panic attack and there is also an MP3 download available from my shop which is FREE and contains more audio advice and a relaxation session.

    If you are suffering from anxiety and would like to speak to me in confidence you can call me on 07980 233160 or email me at [email protected]