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Category: Fitness and health

  1. Mike Tyson hypnotised before stepping into the boxing ring

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    News emerges of an unlikely hypnotherapy and hypnosis subject from the Daily Telegraph. It seems that retired boxer Mike Tyson underwent hypnosis sessions before his prize fights to ensure he was as ferocious as possible in the ring.

    Sports hypnosis is becoming increasingly popular. It is a great way to visualise future success.

    Mike Tyson won his first 19 fights by knockout after becoming a professional boxer aged 18 and he developed a reputation for being a particularly vicious and aggressive fighter, who would quickly charge down opponents at the opening of the first round.

    The troubled sports icon now attributes the ferocity of his fights to a hypnotist, who he worked with several times a day at the request of his manager Cus D'Amato.

    Speaking about the hypnotherapy Tyson said "Cus used to have me professionally hypnotised two or three times a day - before sparring, before training and before fights. My objective was to destroy."

    He was asked if he ever felt remorseful about the viciousness with which he attacked his opponents and replied, "No, because Cus didn't like me to be sensitive like that. He wanted me to be emotionless. He said feelings mean nothing. Feelings have nothing to do with your life. The only thing feelings do is distract you."

    I am not quite sure how well this worked for tyson though, unless he started to visualise biting opponents ears off.

  2. How I ended up in the bridal suite alone with someone else's wife

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    Recently, I ended up in the Bridal suite of a lovely hotel with a newly married bride, still dressed in her wedding dress, lying on the four poster bed, waiting for me. The bridegroom shook my hand, thanked me and left us to be alone.

    I had never met the bride or the groom before; I was just a plus one at the evening wedding party. It’s probably one of the most unusual things that has happened to me recently but when I explain then I think it will all make sense.

    Earlier in the evening the bride had been suffering from a very bad toothache. No one wants toothache on a normal day, but on the day supposed to be one of the greatest in your life, it wasn’t good news at all. She had retired to the room to have a lie down whilst the party continued on without her downstairs. It was at this point that I was asked:

    “Could you do anything to help with hypnosis?”

    I work with clients for many different reasons and one of the things that sometimes people are less aware of, is that you can turn down pain with hypnosis. Often a client who has a long term injury or pain comes to me because they find that the medication they have been prescribed does help, but they often spend so much time thinking about pain that it becomes too much. It is important that I do not advise about medication and the doctor is the person responsible for that. However, I can teach people to “turn down pain” by using hypnotherapy and hypnosis techniques. This can really help.

    So, firstly I helped the bride to start to allow herself to get into a relaxed state. I always have some relaxing music on my phone, and as I use the same music in my therapy room I know how much it helps to start that relaxation process. I then spent about twenty minutes asking questions and getting the bride to imagine certain things in order to help her to get some management and control of the pain. Of course it was important that she sought help from a dentist also, so I also gave her the number of my dentist so that she could call him in the morning. When we started talking I asked how bad the pain felt on a scale of 1 - 10 and she told me it was a 9, which of course is quite high, especially on the day of your wedding!

    Once we had finished I asked how things felt now and she told me that the pain was now a 3, this means it is much more manageable. It’s never my intention to turn if off completely because it is there for a reason. If you are suffering you should seek medical help.

    The good news is that after our brief session the bride returned to the party downstairs and the groom was very full of thanks as he shook my hand smiling broadly. I like to think that I managed to help make the wedding day go a little smoother than it may well have done otherwise.

    NB: Sometimes when I work with clients I may use stories and tales that are changed from reality in order to help illustrate an idea, thought, or point that I want to make.

    However, the story above is completely true, and I was proud to be able to help.