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Category: Hypnosis on Television and radio

  1. Watch director Michael Bay suffer stage fright and walk out of a live presentation at CES

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    Media outlets are reporting with some glee the fact that Director Michael Bay walked out of a presentation for Samsung curved televisions after suffering from a terrible case of nerves and stage fright.

    Hundreds of journalists and industry professionals were gathered in a Las Vegas hall for the world's biggest gadget show. They watched as Bay took his position in front of a 105 inch television that Samsung were launching.

    Who better than the director of the Transformers franchise to convince us of the transformative power of a television designed to wow consumers and help safeguard Samsung's future? Then things started to go wrong. The autocue appeared to malfunction and Bay froze. Cajoling from Joe Stinziano, Samsung's executive vice president, did not work. “The curve? How do you think it's going to impact how viewers experience your movies?”

    Bay who directed Armageddon, Transformers and Pearl Harbour, hunched his shoulders and scuttled off stage. “Excuse me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”

    An excruciating silence descended before Stinziano, marooned, asked for the audience to applaud. A few clapped. Then the executive resumed the presentation solo.

    The Hollywood A-lister subsequently posted an explanation on his blog. “Wow! I just embarrassed myself at CES. I rarely lend my name to any products, but this one is just stellar. I got so excited to talk, that I skipped over the Exec VP’s intro line and then the teleprompter got lost. Then the prompter went up and down – then I walked off. I guess live shows aren’t my thing.”

    This is a real example of how people suffer from a fear of public speaking. Who would have thought that a man who directs multi million pound films and tells hundreds of people what to do would have a fear of standing up and speaking in front of people.

    Good for him that he was honest and wrote about how difficult he found it to stand up and speak in front of people. Let's hope that he seeks some advice and help so that he can stand up and enjoy the experience next time.

  2. Simon Cowell uses hypnosis for X Factor singer Tamera Foster

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    If you have been watching the X Factor this year you may have noticed that singer Tamera Foster has been struggling to remember all of her lyrics.

    The reports were that X Factor boss Simon Cowell had decided that using hypnosis could help Tamera to remember her lyrics for the Sauturday evening performance. On the show we actually saw her getting the help and it's another great way to show the benefits of hypnosis in the media.

    Cowell, who himself knows all about the benefits of hypnotherapy as he used it to help him quit smoking, arranged for Tamera to have sessions to help her overcome her nerves and the blockage about remembering lyrics that she had started to create for herself.

    By learning to close her eyes and concentrate on her breathing, she was able to focus on letting go of the negativity and concentrate on making her performance perfect.

    Speaking of the last time she struggled to remember her words she said,  “Last week was really difficult. I've been seeing a hypnotherapist who has been giving me little exercises to do to get me in the right frame of mind to go on stage and give a good performance. I've been learning how to go into deep meditation, because I meditate already, but he’s been showing me a different way which is better because I can do it in any environment.”

    All went well for Tamera helping to reinforce all the good work that she has done. No lyrics were forgotten !