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  1. Can I Quit Smoking with Hypnosis to help with Covid worries this Stoptober ?

    cigarette stubbed out quit smoking hypnosis

    This year as we head into flu season with Coronavirus still around, there is no better time to look at giving up smoking for good. Covid can cause even worse problems in smokers, so Hypnotherapy could be the answer you are looking for, if you find it hard to quit smoking alone.

    The Stoptober scheme is designed to help people who really want to give up smoking. If you can give up for 28 days then you are much more likely to remain a non smoker.

    I used Hypnosis to Quit Smoking myself !

    I gave up smoking myself with hypnotherapy well over twenty years ago and now I help others to quit smoking with hypnosis in just one session! Many things take a few sessions, but quitting smoking with hypnosis is completed in one session for you. I even make you a recording that you can listen to at home to really help you stay a non smoker.

    There are many different ways that you can get help and as a Clinical Hypnotherapist I know how successful hypnotherapy can be.

    The most important thing is that just starting to think about it and talk about it can lead you to really make the change.

    As well as offering Hypnosis to quit smoking in Redditch you can also work with me and have Skype Hypnosis to stop smoking for good too.

    NHS Stoptober Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

    In 2020 the Covid crisis has made Stoptober even more important. If you catch Coronavirus as a smoker then the effects could be much worse for you as it affects your lungs. This year the UK Government will be making even more noise about the benefits of stopping smoking.

    You can read all about how I could help you to stop smoking with hypnosis and watch a video all about it here:         Quit Smoking Hypnosis - How does it work?

    You can email me for more details at [email protected]

  2. The Coronavirus Pandemic has lead to many changes in our lives, and as things change and people start to be able to return to normal, some people are finding that transition hard. Covid-19 has meant that after months of isolation, returning to work, school or social lives can be a stuggle. Some people are now calling it Coronaphobia or FOGO - Fear of Going out.

    What is Coronaphobia?

    Well, one study found that 54 per cent of people had concerns about returning to work outside the home. Having to travel on trains, buses or other public transport came very high on the list of fears. This is why it is also known as FOGO, fear of going out.

    Coronaphobia has its roots in something far more deepseated - a fear of the unknown and loss of control. That loss of control feeling something that we see in fears and phobias, and many other worries all the time. If it is something that is on your mind, you can rest assured you are not alone.

    If you have been stuck at home for months, terrified that germs and disease could be everywhere, you could find you have become paralysed by it.

    All phobias are an irrational fear. It may be natural to be cautious, but if that feeling overwhelms then it could be time to get some help and take some action. Of course, it is rational to have some fear of getting the Covid-19 virus, it becomes irrational when you can find the worry is taking over your life and stopping you from a return to normal, even when the risks are reducing.

    A good start is just to take some time out for yourself to let go and relax.

    Why not have a listen to this short meditation below? Just taking some time now, before you are ready to go back to life as normal can really help build a foundation for the future..