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  1. Tips to help end Exam Stress and Anxiety

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    It rolls around every year in the same way that Christmas does...however this season brings fear rather than happiness and joy.

     exam stress and anxiety help

    It’s exam time.

    So many young people become worried and stressed about what faces them.


    It doesn’t have to be that way, with a little help and a chance to take stock you can learn how to let go of stress and give your best, while still taking time for yourself and getting a good night’s sleep.


    Many thousands of young adults across the world will take examinations to decide their future.

    As one teacher I saw said..

    “Everybody is worried, everybody is stressed, and everybody's frantically attempting to do the best for their collectives.”

     How to let go of exam worries

    Here are a few ideas about ways that you can find to help deal with this time of year whatever level you're at.

     Take Time Out

    Take time for yourself, try and make sure that you get regular breaks. We need to take time to take stock. Cramming won’t help as it will only make you more aware of everything.


    Try and take just ten minutes to learn some mindfulness techniques. Like Hypnosis it is all about learning to let go..

    You can watch this video below. Just close your eyes and take those few minutes out for yourself.



    We always get more of what we think about so, take some time to imagine yourself sat breathing easily and evenly, reading the questions TWICE, and making sure that you plan and then answer them in the way that you have prepared. Once you start thinking of yourself being calm and collected you are already starting to make those changes that will help you on the day.

     Take time to talk and have fun

    Talking it through with family and friends. Make sure that you also go out and do things other than revision. Watch a film, go for a walk or a run. Take lots of time away from thinking about exams.


    Remember, Exams are important, but they are not the be all and end all. An employer will not only judge you on your qualifications, but you're worth ethic and personality.


    People are sympathetic if you don't get the grades that you want you can always resit, you can try again. I know of someone in my family who failed all of their exams the first time, dropped out of school, went back and then went on to have a stellar career. The time just wasn’t right the first time.


    You may not think it now, but in the future you will look back and smile about your exams. If you could already start to whizz forward in time, you would see yourself laughing with friends about how serious it all seemed at the time.


    I wish you all the best in your exams. Do your best, and that is all anyone can want.

  2. Hypnosis CDs are comparable to Hypnotherapist visits for children with IBS according to a new study

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    Hypnosis CDs are comparable to Hypnotherapist visits for children with IBS 

     A new study into the use of hypnotherapy recordings in helping to deal with IBS symptoms in children has thrown up some interesting results.

    The study has shown that home-based hypnotherapy exercises on a CD were as effective as individual gut-directed hypnotherapy performed by a qualified therapist in children with irritable bowel syndrome or functional abdominal pain syndrome.

    ibs and hypnosis and hypnotherapy

    The the results of a randomized clinical trial reported that:

    “This study confirms earlier findings that hypnotherapy is highly valuable in treating children with IBS, resulting in a significant decrease in pain scores and significant improvements in anxiety, depression, QOL, and pain beliefs. Therefore, Hypnotherapy should be incorporated in national guidelines on the treatment of paediatric IBS or FAP(S) and become reimbursed by health insurance companies.”

    This study took place in the Netherlands where owing to a shortage of well-trained child hypnotherapists, home-based self-hypnosis exercises could now expand access to this therapy.


    How the study was conducted:

    To compare their effectiveness, researchers from the Netherlands randomly assigned 260 children with either IBS or FAP(S) to undergo home-based hypnotherapy via CD (at least five sessions per week for 3 months) or individual hypnotherapy provided by a qualified therapist (six sessions over 3 months).

    Immediately after treatment, 36.8% of those who received home-based therapy achieved treatment success — defined as at least a 50% reduction in pain frequency and intensity scores —compared with 50.1% of those who were treated by a hypnotherapist. After a year, 62.1% of the home-based group achieved treatment success compared with 71% of those treated by a therapist, which was statistically noninferior.

    “The noninferiority of home-based treatment with a hypnosis CD provides a rationale for implementation of this easy-to-use treatment in daily practice,” the investigators concluded. “Because the current generation of children and adolescents rarely uses CDs anymore, it would be preferable to implement the treatment as an application for a smartphone or tablet.” 

    When I work with clients suffering from IBS, one of the things that we always do is make sure that there are recordings that they can listen to repeatedly to help teach them ways to manage the anxiety that can case IBS symptoms to worsen. There have already been many studies into the effectiveness of hypnosis for IBS including those undertaken by Peter Whorwell.

     Professor Peter Whorwell and IBS Hypnotherapy

    Professor of Medicine and Gastroenterology in the School of Medicine and Director of the South Manchester Functional Bowel Service, has discovered a way to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) using hypnotherapy.

    Professor Whorwell has been researching the use of gut-directed hypnosis for over 20 years. Most recently, 250 patients who have suffered from IBS for over two years were given twelve one-hour sessions, during which they were given an explanation of how the gut works and what causes their symptoms.

    If you would rather try and help your IBS without needing to see me you can now by an IBS Hypnosis MP3 download direct from my online hypnosis recording shop below...

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