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Category: Fitness and health

  1. New Paul Mckenna Book Instant Influence and Charisma is out in January

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    Celebrity Hypnotherapist Paul Mckenna releases his newest book in the first week of January. This is the follow up to Freedom from Emotional Eating which came out in early 2014

    This new book is called "Instant Influence and Charisma" by Paul Mckenna with a subtitle of.. It will either be used by you..or on you ! It comes with Free audio and video sessions.

    He tweeted that he had finished the book and that although he said it every year he thought that this would be his best one yet, explaining that the book comes out in the first week of January to help catch the lucrative new year resolution sales.

    It will be interesting to see how well this does as it seems to be aimed at a slightly different group of people to his normal weight loss books.

    paul mckenna instant influence and charisma book

    Synopsis From the Press release for the new Paul Mckenna Book.....


    Do you want more success?

    Do you want to be more popular?

    Do you want to stop people taking advantage of you?

    Do you want things to go your way more often?

    Do you want to get the people you like to like you?

    Then, this book, audio & video system is for you!

    Paul McKenna has sold more than 10 million books in 32 countries and has spent the last 20 years researching human influence: what makes people do things and the secrets of charisma and likeability. He has created a formula, an easy to learn system that in an ever-changing world will help you communicate more eloquently and effectively.

    In the last few years, the psychology of influence has taken a massive leap forward and Paul McKenna has been working with the leaders in the field.

    This book, with audio and video downloads, will give you the edge whether you want to get ahead in business, romance or life. Paul McKenna will show you the language and techniques used by the most persuasive people in the world, in an ethical and easy to understand way.

    You will learn the universal principles of influence, so you will be able to spot when people are covertly trying to manipulate you.

    If you want to influence your children or your boss, if you are looking for a partner, or more friends, or just more fun, these techniques will release your natural influence and charisma and get you more of what you really want.

    Use this system, and your life will change for the better in ways that you would never have imagined before!

    The Sunday Times published an interview with Paul Mckenna on the 3rd January with a couple of short extracts from the book. 

    New Year, New You: Matt Rudd meets Paul McKenna. In the article they show three of the questions and steps that Paul suggests you try... 

    New Year, New You: Matt Rudd meets Paul McKenna

    The king of self-help, Paul McKenna, explains how you can be more charismatic and influential in 2016 with his step-by-step guide to a life of fulfilment



    Step one

    Look in the mirror. Make a list of the bad things you see. Do it now…


    Now look back in the mirror and read out the list in a Mickey Mouse voice. Do this again and again until you cannot take the voice seriously.


    Step two

    Back in front of the mirror. Speak with your internal dialogue using your most kind and authoritative tone of voice. Accept all the parts of yourself you had criticised.


    Step three

    Think of a person who is charismatic and confident. Imagine that person standing in front of you, looking in the mirror. Now step into them. Become them, like a method actor.


  2. Hypnosis can help with menopause symptoms

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    The following article first appeared in the Daily Mirror written by Dr Miriam Stoppard. Her description of the benefits of hypnotherapy for menopause symptoms is very easy yo understand and concise so if you would like to read the article here it is...

     hypnosis can help with the menopause

    Hypnotherapy is great for using during childbirth. Most Women find it amazingly helpful and the research is very robust. Now this easy to learn technique could prove a book to women with menopausal symptoms. What’s more, it’s massively superior to herbs, ginseng, soya, evening primrose oil, yoga and acupuncture – all of which are unproven despite their popularity.

    Many women might shy away from using hypnotherapy for menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats, but a report suggests that of all the alternative treatments available – from herbal supplements such as black cohosh to acupuncture – hypnosis is almost uniquely effective in alleviating symptoms of the menopause.

    As the menopause approaches, oestrogen levels drop, the ovaries cease production of an egg every month and menstruations stops. As well as the embarrassment of hot flushes, sleep is often interrupted by night sweats, mood swings are common and vaginal dryness and a loss of libido affect a woman’s sex life. However, fewer that one in 10 women seeks medical advice. Dr Janet Carpenter, who led the expert panel for the North American Menopause Society said: “Many women try one thing after another. This information (about hypnotherapy) will be critical before they stumble on something that works”

    The panel of experts commissioned by NAMS reviews the results of rigorous clinical studies on Hypnotherapy. They concluded that there was solid evidence that using this, and also cognitive behavioural therapy, were beneficial for menopausal symptoms. One study showed that women who had hypnotherapy five times a week had a dramatic reduction in the number and severity of hot flushes.

    So how does hypnotherapy work? It’s a powerful, natural and safe state of profound relaxation that you allow yourself to enter. You remain in control of your body and mind and you can come out of hypnosis at any time.

    We all experience a state of hypnosis many times a day – you drive to work but on arrival you have no recollection of the journey for example. Hypnosis allows you to visualise your body without troublesome menopausal symptoms. Body and mind are linked.

    Your body doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality so imagining that you can control your hot flushes becomes what you experience.

    It will empower you to trust your body and have confidence controlling it. You can be taught by a hypnotherapist. Try one of two weekly sessions to see if it helps you.


    If you would like to contact me about an appointment you cal email me at  [email protected] 

    or call me on 07980 233160