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Category: Manage stress with hypnosis

  1. How can I cope with my exams?

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    Every year we approach the exam season and I start to see more and more clients who are looking for help as they head towards the time when their knowledge will be tested.

    It is so easy to find yourself worried and stressed about any forthcoming exam.

    Once we get into the wrong frame of mind we can end up finding our frame of mind is not what we thought it could be, eventually this may even affect our performance in the exam.

    As well as seeing  clients for private sessions to help them with studying, confidence and calmness during their exams I also have an immediate download Exam Stress Buster which you can listen to straight away.

    This exam stress buster download will help to calm and prepare you for any forthcoming exams by getting you into the right frame of mind and thinking about all the positive aspects of the work you have already done.

    You can read all about it and how it works right here:


  2. How does a panic attack start?

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    Have you ever suffered a Panic Attack?

    How can you stop panic attacks, sometimes also called panic disorder from happening?

    If you have ever suffered a panic attack yourself then the symptoms may be well known to you: a feeling of terror, accelerated heartbeat that you can feel in your chest, weakness, dizziness and many other symptoms too. You can feel so out of control and shocked by what is happening that it can almost feel like you are dying.

    People around you may not be able to understand how much this trauma can affect you but rest assured that you are not alone. The good news is that you can learn to let go of your panic attacks and stop them too.

    When you suffer from panic attacks you can never predict when they will happen or where they will start. This can mean that you avoid certain places because you associate them with a panic attack and then feel that if you go there again you may cause another attack. Often the fear of the next panic attack can cause a general feeling of anxiety and you may even think that it is making you have more panic attacks.

    Some facts about panic attacks.

    Most often they begin in late adolescence and in fact are more common in men than women although in my own experience they seem to be evenly balanced across both sexes.

    Sometimes if you suffer from panic disorder you may find your life is so restricted that you do not even want to leave the house. It may mean you are scared of driving or even going to the shops to buy food.

    If you are suffering from panic disorder and would like to read more then click here: How to Stop Panic Disorder