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Category: Fitness and health

  1. Marco Koch German hopeful Olympic medal winner uses hypnosis for sports performance

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    “Darmstädter Tagblatt“ the German paper recently published an article about one of Germany’s best swimmers, Marco Koch.

    In 2013 he was a silver medallist in 200 metres breaststroke at the World Championships in Barcelona and again at the 2014 European Champion.

     marco koch uses hypnosis for sports performance

    It’s certainly time for him to be looking ahead to the next Olympic games taking place in Rio, and alongside the obvious physical training he is also using sports hypnosis.

    Here is the original German interview Marco Koch hypnosis interview

    What he says about sports hypnosis

    “I feel better prepared and it helps me get my absolute top performances. With hypnosis I can find out where there are still hidden problems, because you get to know your body well and I’m able to bring myself into the right flow.”

    Sports Hypnosis can help the performer to relax mentally, to free their mind and prepare for the event they are waiting for.   

    Perhaps one if the most famous practitioners and fans of using his mind to help his sports performance is Tiger Woods, who has used Sports Hypnosis since the age of 13 to mentally preapre.  

    German Hypnotherapist Simone Lücke has been working with Marco Koch

    What Simone Lucke says about hypnosis

    “Hypnotised people do not sleep, they are also not unconscious or will-less. The body is totally relaxed, but the mind is awake and the subconscious receptive.”   

    Hypnotherapy isn’t just to help you deal with stress and anxiety, to quit smoking and lose weight. It’s news like this that really helps to show the positive side of taking control of your mind and thinking about how you would really like things to be.

  2. The Truth about Hypnosis

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    What is the Truth about Hypnosis?

    The truth about hypnotherapy is that hypnosis really works!


    Have you ever noticed that once your mind has a pattern it keeps wanting to do the same thing over and over again, and many times you catch yourself doing the one thing that you don’t really want to be doing?

    It can be tough to break that cycle of negative thoughts.

    With hypnotherapy you can learn that you can help yourself to help you to do the things that you really want to do. People visit me for help with anxiety and stress, to quit smoking, to lose weight, cope with depression, end phobias, boost their confidence and so much more.

    Often people who have watched TV shows may well think that hypnosis is about making them cluck like a chicken; of course the reality is that it is nothing like that at all. It's not a secret at all...it's just learning to relax and let go.

    What happens during hypnosis?

    I work with you to help you to really relax and let go. If you imagine that when you are really relaxed you are not asleep but you are so much more calm and unaware of the problems in your life. You are aware of everything that is happening. When you are this relaxed state of mind, then you are much more open to all the positive suggestions that I give you and you are so much more easily able to absorb them. You are conscious, but because you are starting to get closer to sleep it is easy and relaxing to feel those changes.

    Of course I have many other techniques and ways to help as well as hypnosis. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist I am able to use lots of different “Tools from my toolbox” so that we can find the right way for you to get exactly what you want. Hypnotherapy is a talking therapy and this means that just being able to talk to someone who is there to listen and not judge can make a huge difference too. I am not here to tell you what to do, but to help you to find the right way for you.

    I so often hear people say to me "this will sound silly", but nothing ever sounds silly. Whatever you want to change is the most important thing. Never be afraid to ask for help.

    You can email me on [email protected] or call me on 07980 233610