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Category: Fitness and health

  1. No Smoking day is on 11th March

    Posted on

    On the 11th March it will be National No Smoking Day.

    Is it time that you gave up the habit for good?

    As the years roll on attitudes towards smoking change a great deal. What was once seen as glamorous and exciting we now know to be awful for your health, and your wealth.no smoking day 2015 sd_proudtobeaquitter_l24f

    National No Smoking day aims to highlight the fact that you can get help to stop smoking, it isn't something that you need to do alone.

    There is a government website that offers help and advice here: https://nosmokingday.org.uk/

    Using willpower alone can be very tough. I gave up through hypnotherapy myself many years ago, and at one time I was smoking up to 60 a day! I wasn't always setting fire to that many but the one thing that was with me was that I always really fancied one when I had a drink or after a nice meal with a coffee.

    Does that sound familiar?I couldn't imagine a time when that wasn't the case....now I can't imagine a time when I would ever have another. urrgh..!

    The good news is that however you decide to give up you can look forward to a brighter future, smelling much better and being able to taste your food. You can save a fortune and then spend it on the things that you really want to treat yourself with. Of course, just thinking about how much better your health will be is also a great start.

    If you would like some more free advice and support to quit smoking, there is lots more information here: http://www.markpowlett.co.uk/quitsmoking.html

    Take just a few moments to think about how your life would be if you were a non smoker.....if you think it would be better then perhaps now it is time to do something about it!  Good luck and enjoy your smoke free future.

    Here's a short video all about how Hypnosis to stop smoking works.......


  2. Sit right down and right yourself a letter

    Posted on

    When did you last write someone a letter?

    With emails, texts and phones in our pockets all the time the art of letter writing is becoming a distant memory. letter

    That's one thing, but actually I want to talk to you about writing a letter that no one will even get to see.

    What am I talking about? I'm talking about finding a new way to empty your mind and allow yourself to relax and let go, if only for a few moments.

    Life can be hectic and full of stress and strain, and finding a way to relax and let go can seem to be impossible. I see so many clients who suffer from insomnia. One of the things that I hear all the time is that as they lie awake, struggling with their thoughts, they just go round and round and nothing changes.

    My suggestion is to write a letter, just write them all down.

    Think about it for a moment. What is actually happening when thoughts are going round in your mind? Are you coming to any conclusion or are you just thinking the same things, over and over, and over again?

    The chances of you suddenly having a eureka moment are slim, and the chances of you letting go of those thoughts for just a moment are also very slim.

    What happens when you write them all down?

    Well, you may be surprised. Now they are down on paper then you do not need to have them going round in your mind any more. Nothing was changing when you just went over the same thing again and again. The only thing that was happening was that you were starting to think the same things. Once you have them down on paper then they have no need to go round in circles in your mind any more. They are there in print. You have no need to think that you will forget any of them because they are there for you to see.

    Suddenly, you can start to think about the fact that perhaps they kept going round in circles because they didn't want you to forget them. Now they are written down you don't need to forget them, they are there for you if you need them.

    You may well be surprised at how this can really help you. Any time that you feel you have lots of thoughts that are just going round in circles, then why not give writing them down a try?

    You never know what will happen!  

    oh and by the way. I know that you write a letter....but you can right yourself ;)  or did you not really notice the title !